Cayoosh Mountain Snowshoe

Cayoosh Mountain
Duffey Lake Region / Pemberton, BC Region

Cayoosh Mountain is located in the Cayoosh Range which is 22 km northeast of Pemberton. Driving along the Duffey Lake highway and about 7 km past the Joffre Lakes parking lot, I parked my car in the pull out south of the highway. Before dawn, Sree and put on our snowshoes and trek along the logging road for about 3 km when we reached the fork near the ski cabin. 

From there, the snow was abundant with fresh ski tracks which made it easy for us to follow. Kilometers 3-4 were steady elevation until we passed by the frozen lake. Then into the forest were the elevation began to get steeper and the snow somewhat unstable until we reached an opening. 

The sky begin to lit up a little and the views became apparently clear. We continued to slog up following the fainted ski tracks until we reached the bowl where Cayoosh was visibly engulfed with snow. Some skiers passed by. Sree was getting a bit tired and decided to stay back while I continued to snowshoe up the last bit of the Armchair Glacier to the col and up the summit.

The last 300m was difficult as the snow would not hold. So I zigged zagged my way up to the col and went to my right up to the summit of Cayoosh. Amazing views all around with clear skies with major peaks can be seen.

Elevation gain: approx. 1,294m
Mountain Height: approx. 2,561m
Distance: 13.8 km roundtrip
Level: Intermediate
Time: 7-8 hours round trip

AllTrails GPX Route Link

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